Stillington North Yorkshire Website
What's on / Notices

Welcome to the village website which contains some village history and details of the village's businesses and services and information about community groups and sports clubs.

The site will keep you up to date with the latest news and events.

To submit new information to the website (photographs, news, organisations, businesses, sport etc...) , or to make suggestions for improvements, please email



About Stillington

Stillington is an attractive village about 10 miles north of York.

The village has retained its traditional services including a community shop and post office run by volunteers, a primary school, doctor's surgery and bus service.

There are three pubs, excellent sports facilities and a wide range of community clubs and organisations.

The village newsletter is published monthly with reports and details of future events.
Click Stillington News to download the latest edition

Village defibrillators
They are in the Church Porch, at the Village Hall and at the Sports Club near the Squash Courts entrance.
1. Call an Ambulance  
2. Start CPR
3. Get the defibrillator and follow the instructions.