Community Groups

Stillington is a friendly, welcoming and community-minded village. It has many clubs and organisations formed and managed by volunteers. The aim is to provide support and recreational pursuits for residents of all ages. Details are as follows:


Neighbourhood Watch

NHW information can be received direct from the Police via the North Yorkshire Community Messaging  system, from our own village grapevine, and through the village facebook.


North Yorkshire Community Messaging is a free email service from North Yorkshire Police and the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.


Sign up on-line to receive emails about policing activity and initiatives as well as crime prevention advice and information.


Please report any suspicious vehicles/persons to North Yorkshire Police on 101



Call 101 for non-emergency. Call 999 for an emmergency


Parish Council

There are 7 Parish Councillors who are elected for a 4 year term. The Parish Rate is set annually and this forms part of the Council Tax. The Parish Council meets on the first Wednesday each month in the Village Hall, and all electors are welcome to attend. Minutes are displayed on the parish notice board and on this web site using the Council link.

The Parish Clerk is Nigel Knapton       Email:


Stillington Community Archive Group

We are volunteer led initiative to preserve the heritage of Stillington, North Yorkshire, and its surrounding district, in the form of still and moving images, documents and oral narratives.

Contact: Michael Turvey 01347 810473 or Elizabeth Cole 01347  810537




Stillington Walking Group

This small group meets on alternate Monday mornings for a gentle walk and a chat. More walkers are always welcome to join us. We meet at the White Bear at 9.30am prompt and walk for around 5 miles, sometimes very close to home, other times further afield, using our own cars to reach the starting point. Shared transport is available, just a contribution required towards expenses. Click here for a list of the walks with maps.

Contact: Graham Cookman on 01347 810047


Stillington and Farlington Women's Institute

We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. We belong to the North East Federation whose office is in Thirsk. We have eleven meetings in the year, August being the holiday month. Our invited speakers and guests cover a wide range of interests and crafts. The federation organise many outings throughout the year.

Contact: Angela Hawker 07825 446687   or   Eveth Harrison 01347 810497


Good Neighbours Scheme

We exist to support the spontaneous generosity and 'Good Neighbour' attitude which is a feature of the village. Each of the five areas of the village has two ladies who make themselves known so that everyone knows someone whom they can contact.

The co-ordinator of the scheme is Patricia Walker 01347 810562


Stillington Charity

The trustees help persons resident in the Parish of Stillington who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress by making grants of money or providing or paying for items, services or facilities calculated to reduce the need, hardship or distress of such persons.

All enquiries regarding the charity should be made, in confidence, to either the Secretary, Adryenne Hope 01347 811039 or the Chairman,  Harold Tomlinson 01347 811443


Stillington Gardening Club

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month - September to April - in the Village Hall at 7.30pm to listen to interesting speakers. The occasional trip is arranged during the summer months. Discount is available on seed and fertilizer orders through the club and we enjoy 10% discount at Dean's Garden Centre, Stockton on Forest and at Castle Howard Plant Centre. In addition to the above benefits there is an annual Plant Sale in May and an annual Show in August.

Contact: Peter Coomer 01347 810891    Membership Secretary: Gelda Churton 01347 810513


Stillington Bonfire

Held each year in celebration of this infamous former resident of York, Stillington bonfire has been organised and run by residents for more than 30 years. The event is widely recognised to be one of the best organised public bonfires in the area. The whole process starts early in the Autumn, when the organising committee gather to plan the event, and on the day, there is an organised collection of combustible material from around the village. Building the fire and setting up the field sees a hive of activity throughout the village. The evening commences with a torch-lit procession from the Village Hall to the bonfire, headed by the Guy and the sound of marching music. The fire is lit, the food is served and a spectacular display of fireworks rounds off a wonderful day, weather gods permitting. New residents are most welcome to come and join in any aspect of this most enjoyable event.

Contact:    Andy Hart on 01347 810598 or Graham Cookman on 01347 810047


Stillington Bonfire 2024: Saturday 2nd November

For more information click here  to go to the bonfire web page


Beavers, Cubs, Scouts

These clubs are all held at Stillington Sports & Social Club and are available for children from other villages.



Rainbows, Brownies and Guides

Rainbows meet at Huby, Brownies at Sutton on Forest and guides at Easingwold.


Email:     Web:

Brownies is held at 6pm on Wednesdays at 6pm in Huby Methodist Chapel. Please contact Lynn Wagstaff on 01347 810655 for more details. 


Stillington Bridge Club

Meets every Monday afternoon in the Village Hall

Contact: Lesley Kemp 01347 239142


Table Tennis

Meets Thursday mornings 10 - 12 in the Village Hall.

Contact: Kathy Berry 01347 238403


The Tuesday Pop In

Meets 10.30 Tuesday mornings in the Village Hall. Warming drinks, tasty treats and lots of interesting chat.

Contact: Jenny Popplewell 01347 811911


